Sunday, February 20, 2022
Young people review their research papers at the Ministry of Local Administration
The Secretary-General of the Ministry of Youth, Dr. Hussein Jabour, and the Secretary-General of the Ministry of Local Administration, Eng. Hussein Mhaidat, met today, Sunday, at the headquarters of the Ministry of Local Administration, members of the municipalities and public works sector in the youth government project within the Political Institute, one of the projects of the Ministry of Youth
During the meeting, the papers of young members of municipalities and public works were discussed, their research papers and development recommendations in the municipal sector, where the members of the committee reviewed a research paper entitled “Licensing of mobile food and drink carts and its role in raising the economic level of youth.”
The Secretary-General of the Ministry of Youth, Dr. Hussein Jabour, stressed the importance of research papers submitted by young people in all sectors of the state, which carry development plans and proposals that would advance the institutional and administrative reality from a youth intellectual standpoint based on analysis, research, and monitoring of the most prominent strengths and weaknesses.
Jabour added that the ministry, through the Youth Parliament and Youth Government projects affiliated to the Political Institute, one of the projects of the Ministry of Youth, seeks to empower youth politically, economically, socially and culturally, to create a generation of young people with a high level of knowledge and science in all fields, especially in the political aspect.
For his part, the Secretary-General of the Ministry of Local Administration, Eng. Hussein Mhaidat, confirmed that the Ministry of Local Administration always welcomes all youthful ideas and development proposals, pointing out that the Ministry gives the youth sector a priority and importance, through its continuous endeavor to contribute to reducing unemployment rates among young people by facilitating and organizing And framing the youth’s access to special licenses to engage in their own businesses, including mobile food carts and kiosks.